A Personal Target Audience Liberates You!

By Jeff Beals Whether you’re in Atlanta or Austin, San Diego or San Antonio, shopping malls and retail centers generally look alike.  The products, displays, signage and building architecture are so uniform that it’s hard to tell whether you’re in...

What Separates the Good from the Great

By Jeff Beals If you go to work every day, you might as well go all the way and shoot for the pinnacle of your profession. It’s a competitive world, so set your sights high. If you’re going to take the risk and invest the time, strive for greatness. Ever...

Let Me Tell You a Story…

By Jeff Beals If you ask any historian to name the greatest leaders in western civilization, there’s a good chance the 16th president of the United States will make the list. He willed his country to victory in the gut-wrenching Civil War, issued the...

Relax. You’re Doing the Audience a Favor

By Jeff Beals When you see the old films of Elvis Presley performing live on stage, you can’t help but notice his energy, his extreme talent and his confidence. A guy would have to be awfully darned confident to perform the way Elvis did especially considering...

Value Lives in Your Client’s Mind

by Jeff Beals If you want to sell more widgets, stop selling widgets. If you want to sell more real estate, insurance or financial planning services, stop selling real estate, insurance and financial planning services. If you represent Tupperware, Avon or Pampered...