Relationships With Competing Sales Pros

Relationships With Competing Sales Pros

Relationships with sales professionals from competing companies can be touchy. It’s in your best interest to have positive relationships with your competitors, but you have to be careful. On one hand, such relationships keep job possibilities open for you, and if...
Keeping Up in a Fast-Moving Industry

Keeping Up in a Fast-Moving Industry

A construction executive once told me how the job-bidding process has changed in his industry. It used to be that a company would announce plans to build a building before hiring a general contractor. The construction company would then make contact with the owner and...
The Art of Persuasive Sales Presentations

The Art of Persuasive Sales Presentations

Would you like a new idea – an edge or advantage – in your sales work? Take a moment to look back in time… In the 1930s, Professor Alan Monroe of Purdue University married the art of presentation with the psychology of persuasion. The result of his scholarly work...
Networking Is a Key Part of Prospecting

Networking Is a Key Part of Prospecting

Most sales pros know they should network to help them more effectively prospect for new business. I remember as far back as high school being told by my guidance counselor that I needed to “meet a lot of people and build a network.” That was great advice back then and...
Turning Bad Meetings Into Good Ones

Turning Bad Meetings Into Good Ones

Comedian Fred Allen once quipped, “A committee is a group of men, who individually can do nothing but as a group decide that nothing can be done.” President Ronald Reagan had his own quip about meetings: “I have left orders to be awakened at any time in case of...
Continual Learning as a Form of Insurance

Continual Learning as a Form of Insurance

For seven years, I taught juniors and seniors in the business college at my local university. I was occasionally amused by the things students would say in our after-class discussions especially as the spring semester waned. “I can’t wait for graduation,” said one...