When All Else Fails, Default to Action!

When All Else Fails, Default to Action!

I met with a friend this week, who told me about a saying one company uses to keep people focused on success: “Default to action.” Do you ever find yourself paralyzed with indecision? Sometimes we get so busy that we don’t know what to do first. “Default to action”...
How to Use Referrals to Win New Clients

How to Use Referrals to Win New Clients

Referrals are the most efficient form of prospecting, but many sales pros don’t use them. It’s getting harder and harder to cut through the clutter and reach influential decision makers. That’s why referrals have never been more valuable than they are today. In an era...
Best Practices for Virtual Selling

Best Practices for Virtual Selling

Virtual selling is any form of selling that occurs without the buyer and the seller physically present with each other in the same room. Telephone, text, email, Zoom – it’s all virtual selling. Since virtual selling, in that sense, is long standing, there’s no reason...
Workdays Between Christmas & New Year

Workdays Between Christmas & New Year

How are you going to handle next week? Monday is Christmas day, so that leaves just a short, four-day work week. A lot of people are taking part or all of next week off, but in all honesty, it’s not a bad week to work. Very few meetings are scheduled. Many of your...