Get Serious about Your Personal Brand in 2016

By Jeff Beals The beginning of the year is a perfect time to assess your personal brand status and make plans to grow and strengthen the image people have of you. Make no mistake…You ARE a brand. You’re a business of one, a business unto yourself. Every successful...

How to Survive the Coming Population Implosion

By Jeff Beals “Previous generations feared a population explosion. But for today’s global economy, the problem is just the opposite. Falling fertility rates and aging work forces will plague the developed world.” That quote came from a recent series of articles in the...

Sell Yourself the Way a Salesperson Sells

By Jeff Beals Sales professionals talk about their “funnels” or their “pipelines” when discussing prospective clients and where those prospects are in the buying process. Picture a big funnel like something you would use to pour oil into an...