The Referral Gap

By Jeff Beals Most companies are getting only one-third of the referrals they could receive from current clients That’s according to a 2018 Texas Tech University study showing that 83 percent of satisfied clients are willing to refer products and services, but that...

Ingredients of a Good Voicemail

By Jeff Beals In last week’s article, we analyzed a poorly executed sales voicemail I had received.  This week, we go a little further and talk about what you SHOULD do when leaving a voicemail for a cold prospect. Focus on the Recipient’s Value – Make your voicemails...

Breaking Down a Bad Sales Voicemail

By Jeff Beals As a sales consultant, I enjoy analyzing the various voicemail solicitations I receive each week.  Like you, I receive a lot of them.  Here is a transcript of a voicemail I received just yesterday: “Hi Jeff.  My name is Zach, and I’m with [Company...