How to Hire the Best Sales Professionals

By Jeff Beals What’s the number one indicator of future success? Frequent past behavior. Do you have responsibility for hiring sales professionals?  If you’re not directly responsible for hiring, do you have influence over which candidates are chosen for sales jobs?...

How to Navigate 7 Tricky Sales Conundrums

By Jeff Beals More than 50% of sales reps do not make their annual quota, and most businesses produce revenue well below their production capacity. What does this tell us?  We have a leadership void in the sales profession! Good leadership is critical to success in...

The Only Sales Knowledge You’ll Ever Need

By Jeff Beals In his new book on selling, Anthony Iannarino asks readers to finish this sentence: “I sell ___.” He then writes, “If you answered anything other than ‘outcomes,’ you are wrong. If you answered with your product, service or solution, your answer is so...

How to Survive the Coming Population Implosion

By Jeff Beals “Previous generations feared a population explosion. But for today’s global economy, the problem is just the opposite. Falling fertility rates and aging work forces will plague the developed world.” That quote came from a recent series of articles in the...