Turn “Socializing” into “Networking”

By Jeff Beals   Most professionals know they must network in order to achieve long-term business success.  I remember as far back as high school being told by my guidance counselor that I needed to “meet a lot of people and build a network.”  That was...

Top 10 Ways to Get Involved

By Jeff Beals Three quarters of the biggest clients are acquired only through relationship building. The vast majority of job openings are never advertised. These two statements prove one thing: in order to be successful, you must be involved. As professionals, we...

Stand Out in the Era of Commoditization

By Jeff Beals You are a brand. You are a business of one. As a hard-working professional, you have a personal brand, a reputation that must be carefully maintained and zealously promoted. In today’s economy, effective personal branding has never been more...

Be Everywhere

The American philosopher Henry David Thoreau once said, “I went to the woods, because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to love deep and suck out all the marrow of life.” I love that passage, and while I’m not hiding out on Walden Pond, I try to follow that...