Sales is Hard But Not the Hardest Job

Sales is Hard But Not the Hardest Job

Sales isn’t rocket science but it is hard. Just about anyone can figure it out, but it takes a lot of work, discipline and persistence. A thick skin helps too. Sales is indeed a hard profession. But it’s not the hardest profession. Far from it. In fact, here’s one job...
A Multi-Generation Success Motto

A Multi-Generation Success Motto

NOTE FROM JEFF: I first published this article more than nine years ago. It’s always been one of my favorites. I stumbled across it and decided to share it again, knowing that it would be new to most of my readers (plus my long-time subscribers have probably...
Articles Boost Your Name Recognition

Articles Boost Your Name Recognition

If you’re looking for a way to build your name and personal brand awareness, you might consider media exposure (getting quoted in periodicals, websites, talk shows and podcasts). Such exposure can help attract prospects or make it so they have heard of you when you...
How to Write Prospecting Messages

How to Write Prospecting Messages

You’re in for a treat. I periodically dissect real-life prospecting messages sent by real sales reps. Today is one of those days! Those who know me, know I keep a file of bad prospecting emails. It’s one of my nerdy hobbies. In fact, I could probably create my own...
People Love to Buy but Hate Being Sold

People Love to Buy but Hate Being Sold

People love to buy but they hate being sold. “Sales isn’t something you do to someone,” said the late great Zig Ziglar. “It’s something you do for someone.” Most people think of Zig as motivational speaker and inspirational author, and he indeed was both of those...