Customer Service Lessons for Sales Pros

Customer Service Lessons for Sales Pros

After arriving at their vacation destination city, a family enters the lobby of an upscale hotel. Because it’s late at night, and they’re tired from delayed flights, they just want to check in and go to sleep. As soon as they walk in, the concierge brings over...
Prospecting or Closing: Which is Harder?

Prospecting or Closing: Which is Harder?

A colleague and I talked about the greatest value that a sales professional brings to a company. Is it the ability to prospect for new client, or is it the ability to close a deal? Both are extremely important, and neither is terribly easy. That’s why we typically...
Finding Diamonds in the Rough

Finding Diamonds in the Rough

“We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations,” said author Charles Swindoll. When one person sees a barrier, another person envisions an opportunity. Have you ever encountered a brilliant business model and...
Shall Be No Presentation Before It’s Time

Shall Be No Presentation Before It’s Time

In the early 1980s, the legendary actor Orson Welles served as a television spokesperson for Paul Masson California wine. At the end of each Paul Masson commercial, Welles would say, “We will sell no wine before it’s time.” If you’re old enough to remember those...
Why Lifelong Learning Must be Scheduled

Why Lifelong Learning Must be Scheduled

Back in college I served one year as president of my fraternity. That was 33 years ago. It may come as a surprise to hear this, but that position was honestly one of the most educational leadership experiences of my life. Once a month, my fellow undergraduate officers...