By Jeff Beals
You never know when and where inspiration will come.
The legendary businessman Henry Ford once visited a beef packing plant in Chicago. Ford took great interest in the way workers processed the beef from whole carcasses into small cuts of ready-to-sell meat. As he observed, it occurred to Ford that if the process was reversed, all the cuts would go back together to form a whole steer carcass again. The metaphorical light bulb switched on in Ford’s head. “I can build automobiles this way,” he thought. Ford went back home to Detroit and promptly created the famous assembly line.
Think about that…One of the business world’s greatest manufacturing innovations was conceived after visiting a gruesome slaughtering plant.
As an entrepreneur, salesperson or professional of any other sort, you need to be on the lookout. Instead of “reinventing the wheel,” find inspiration from other professions, different industries and different places. Ask yourself, “How can this idea or process be applied to my industry?” Borrowing from other professions will make your business stronger.
Jeff Beals is a professional speaker and award-winning author, who helps professionals enjoy greater success through effective sales, marketing and personal branding techniques. He delivers energetic and humorous keynote speeches and workshops to audiences worldwide. To discuss booking a presentation, go to or email at