By Jeff Beals
Do you need a war room?
Some businesses have a specially designated room or suite in their office building that is dedicated 24/7 to sales strategy. Some companies call it the “war room.” Others have different names for it, but whatever you call it, it’s a handy thing to have.
Inside your war room, sales leaders can talk freely and openly about marketing and sales strategy. You can argue about how marketing strategies fit with the company’s overall strategic plan. You can talk about more detailed items such as actual prospective clients or the performance of individual sales teams or sales reps.
Some sales leaders use a war room as a place to layout confidential papers and post strategic information on the wall. This allows the sales leadership to jump right into their work as soon as they enter the war room.
Of course, you’re going to want to have 24-hour controlled access if you’re going to leave secrets lying around the room. Security is important. Outsiders and non-appropriate employees should not enter. Sales is the lifeblood of a business, so the war room must be jealously guarded and its integrity zealously maintained.
Different sales teams have differing levels of technology in their war rooms. Some may have names of major prospects printed on magnets which stick to a metallic board. Others project digital data onto a screen for group discussions.
However simple or technologically advanced you choose to make your war room, it is nice to have a place where leaders don’t have to hold back, hush their voices and waste time getting set up. A good sales war room is always ready to go anytime the leadership needs it.
Jeff Beals is a professional speaker and award-winning author, who helps professionals enjoy greater success through effective sales, marketing and personal branding techniques. He delivers energetic and humorous keynote speeches and workshops to audiences worldwide. To discuss booking a presentation, go to or email at or call us at (402) 637-9300.
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